πŸ‘‹ Events Organizers!

My name is Joe Ahearn.

Your neighborhood platform janitor.

I always considered myself primarily the janitor for any space I ran, although I’ve done plenty time with titles like producer, curator, manager, chef, host, ghost hunter. You might still consider me a janitor, if we're ever talked via support. I love helping keep things running smoothly so you all can exceed. If something seems amiss, please don’t hesitate to reach out

Still, as much as I love being the janitor, I like the term Organizer best.

You all do herculean feats of herding cats every day to build your communities. Each block in your structure is unique and critical, and we work hard every day to be a vital piece. Whatever we can do to make memberships easier to organize, that's our mission.

An accurate picture of your space.

We’re those high-tech clear lego pieces, helping make the second floor looking really slick & modern.


πŸ† Stats & Highlights